I have taken over the job of Payroll clerk in an Accountants and previously having only processed 1 company Payroll I am now doing around 20! Previously I would process the payroll on a tuesday and put the processing date as the sunday of the last week so it picks up the 7 days monday to sunday. However with all of these companies payrolls the dates land on funny days of the week so rather than it being a sunday it can be a wednesday. Its throwing me off a bit because isn't that picking up half of one week and half of the other? So effectively I'm processing half of week 26 and half of week 27? Its really confusing me.
Also when I print off a P32 do I have to wait until the 5th of the month wages have actually been processed to make sure the full month is in there? Do we submit anything to HMRC after printing a p32 or do we just ensure the client actually pays the PAYE and NI across?
Some employees hours are set to 1 with their hourly rate being the gross amount and as the minimum wage needs updating I'm struggling to know who is on minimum wage and who isn't with there being no hourly rate. What would you do in this instance?
PAYE weeks are determined solely by the contractual payment date so there is never any question of a PAYE week being divided in 2 because of the pay day of the week.
Yes, print off the P32 after the 5th, particularly if there are weekly payrolls. Until RTI next april the client doesn't need to do anything except pay the PAYE/NI monthly or quarterly.
I think your only option with the NMW is to ask the employer what everyone's hours actually are. When RTI comes in you have to report hours worked anyway, so normalising the situation to hours x rate for all the hourly workers would probably be a good preparation anyway.
Am I right in thinking that if the processing date is a wednesday it will be for the previous week to this day i.e monday to sunday?
Sorry to sound thick but whats RTI?
What I would say is don't worry or even think about how dates relate to PAYE weeks. Just put the pay/processing date into Sage and I'd expect Sage to do the rest. That's what the software is for.
RTI is Real Time Information. Starting from next April all employee payments are to be reported to HMRC in real time. This will replace the annual P35/P14 process, and also the internet filing of starter P45/P46 will no longer apply.
Ah thank you. I will have a read up on this on the website.
I have one particular company that is on weekly pay. Their processing date is a Wednesday. Would this correspond to the week before being monday to sunday or would it be for thursday to wednesday? Sorry!
Their payroll records only go up to the 19th so should I be asking for the hours corresponding to the week commencing 17th September which should have a processing date of the 26th. Then the hours corresponding to the week commencing the 24th September will have a processing date of 3rd October.
After doing these weeks would I wait until the 10th Octobers payroll for week commencing the 1st October is completed before printing off a P32 as the 4th and 5th isn't included?
Sorry for the questions. Its probably staring me in the face but it all seems daunting I'm so scared of missing something.
In a scenario like the one you describe (where I think the employees are being paid the following week) the dates of *work* are almost irrelevant in PAYE terms. All that counts is the pay day, which is what determines the PAYE week.
So for example you don't need to wait until the 10th for the P32 in the example you provide, because the 10th is in the following month, even though the work was done the previous month HMRC doesn't care about when the work was done.
Sorry. Didn't want to do another thread as done lots this week.
Could anyone tell me what week we are in this week. So from the 8th October to 14th October is this week 27 or 28?
If I processed payroll for a company on 8th October and this corresponds to the week worked 1st October to 7th October is this week 27 and if so was I right to change the minimum wage?