Welcome to the BKN Weekly Bulletin, our weekly update to keep members informed of the latest BKN website updates, just to ensure you don't miss anything new! This weeks updates:
- Is there VAT on cold sandwiches? (Posted Thursday 11th October 2012) http://goo.gl/uYV1l
-National Minimum Wage Query(Posted Thursday 11th October 2012) http://goo.gl/4dJPq
- VAT on Incorporation(Posted Thursday 11th October 2012) http://goo.gl/6B8RE
- Our 'Find a book-keeper Directory' - Book-keepers wishing to be included in the BKN 'Find a book-keeper Directory' are advised to check out BKN Full Membership, which includes a wide variety of resources and costs just £24 per year. http://www.book-keepers.net/join-us.
- The winners of the BKN Bookkeeping Awards 2012 were announced last week. Just in case you missed the results, the winner and runners up in each category can be viewed here http://goo.gl/TzzUo.