I am very new here, would like to ask you - does anyone using HSBC Financing please? How should I submit VAT?
1. Should I use cashbooks VAT report? If I use report only from cashbooks then actuall money what we received from HSBC Financing will not be shown. Because we are paying VAT For already paid invoices and HSBC pre - pay 80% of uploaded invoices.
2. Or should I take actuall money in and submit VAT?
Part payment of invoices, including by a factor, should be shown against the relevant invoices. Check out Notice 731, chapter 5 (http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageVAT_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000348&propertyType=document)