I have recently generated a detailed VAT reports for a particular period of time then printed out the pdf file. It was my first time calculating VAT return in Sage and I am not sure if I have saved the pdf file of VAT REPORT(Detailed) somewhere in my pc. Now I need to send this pdf file to my manager but I do not know how I can generate the same pdf. Sage tells me this report can not be generated this since the VAT return for this period already calculated.
I would be so grateful if you can help with this matter as soon as possible.
In the 'tasks' box on the 'company' screen, there should be a 'manage VAT' option. Clicking on this will show you a list of the VAT returns that have been reconciled on Sage. If you double click on the VAT return that you want, you can then get another copy of the detailed VAT report.
Pearce & Co - Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser
Thank You very much! I found it and generated a new one. But it is slightly different from the genuine copy. I hope this will be fine in terms of inspection.