We occasionally buy items - camping equipment, mostly - to try them out to see if they would make good product lines to sell. My husband takes them out on Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions that he leads or assesses and then reports back on whether they are any good. This is not just a ruse to buy them at cost (we have accumulated more camping cookers than we'll ever need in a lifetime!) but I have to admit that what happens to them afterwards is haphazard. Some do end up being used by him personally, but in a work context, others just end up sitting in the spare room having been used once or twice. We have a vague intention of trying to sell them as "lightly used" on eBay but have never done anything to put that intention into practice.
How would you advise that I record these items on Sage? Does it make any difference whether they end up being used to bits or kept for possible sale?
A related question: we don't always test every product line before buying several to sell. Sometimes we buy a small batch of a product and do sell most of them, but keep one ourselves, again for testing to see if we like the product enough to get into selling it in a bigger way, or to try it out against a competitor. In this case we are buying an item of our own stock-for-resale for research purposes, but again with the question open as to what the eventual fate of the item would be, personal use in a work context or final resale as a used product.
Would such be the same nominal code as above, or if not, what code range would people suggest?