I have to say I run a nominal activity report for the required month covering the nominal codes 4000 to 4999. Depending on the version you should get the breakdown of each kind of sale and a grand total at the end of the report. There may be another way but this is the one I tend to use.
Thank you everyone, I worked it out in the end. I am playing catchup for a client from April 11 to March 12 and needed to work out when they should have registered for VAT, they were in denial lols.
It's all done now but I need to work out how to set up a flat rate Vat scheme on Sage. I've got as far as changing the Vat company preferences to be flat rate cash based (recommended by Accountant) at 7.5% and I know I have to enter everything at gross rate but not sure what tax code to use when entering them. This is an online shop there are no regular customers to invoice and it's all done through Paypal and the bank.