It is possible to deallocate a payment from an invoice, so you can deallocate any payments on account that have been allocated against the wrong invoices, without them affecting the bank reconciliations - which it sounds like you want to do. However, because Sage doesn't provide a way to do it, that means the method is a bit of an evil hack. Or a cunning piece of lateral thinking, depending on your point of view.
For any given payment that has been allocated to the wrong invoice:
Find the relevant payment in the corrections screen, and double click on it to edit it.
Change the Account from the one currently shown to another, then save the change.
Double click on the transaction again to edit it.
Change the Account back to the original, then save the change.
The payment will now be showing as unallocated, leaving any invoices previously matched to it as unallocated so you can allocate the correct payment(s) to them.
Before doing this, you might want to create a dummy account on the ledger to use in step 2; it's just tidier to use "ZZZ-OOPS" or whatever than to use a genuine supplier for these temporary corrections.
Are you sure that's necessary, though? You need to clear out any payments that never happened, obviously - and when you've done so, for any given supplier, surely, although the allocations may be incorrect, the important thing is that the actual balance for that supplier is correct. That's the angle I'd probably go at it from.
Having said that, you're looking at the stuff - I'm not. It might be a bigger mess than I think. :)
-- Edited by VinceH on Monday 18th of February 2013 12:08:56 AM
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
I have recently taken over from someone and am using Sage instants a/cs version 16 (I think). Well there are a lot of payments on account and they are allocated to the wrong invoices, but the problem is the bank has been reconciled so on theory I can't just delete them. Consequently I have now found a payment on the bank which isn't allocated to anything because it can't be as there are no invoices outstanding from that period. The bank hasn't been reconciled for months hence while going through it all! IUnfortunately there are alot of the 'Payment on accounts' to deal with, and to be honest they are not payment on accounts, it just that someone didn't know how to allocate the payment to a supplier, so theres abit of unravelling to do.
Can someone help me please with the best way forward to correct these payments/invoices. Ie the ones that I have the problem with the payment was October though the bank and the invoices should have been Aug, but for some reason they are all December which was 2 months past the when the payment was made, I would have thought that a warning box would have popped up, perhaps it did but they didn't know what it meant?
I thought about raising a credit note for the invoices in question and then putting dummy invoices on instead so the bank payment for the month I am doing withh be correct. If this is the correct way to do it them what will happen to the credit notes on the supplier account? Will they just stay there for the accountant to make an adjustment at year end. There is VAT involved hence why I thought the summy invoices may be a good idea? The VAt hasn't been reconciled.
Any help will be greatly appreciated as although I use sage on a regular basis, I just can't get my head round this one at all!!!! Maybe its the sunday feeling!
Sounds a bit of a nightmare! Do you mean you have outstanding invoices and payments on account on supplier accounts but that the payments on account haven't been allocated against the invoices or against the wrong invoices? Are they on cash or standard VAT accounting?
I would search in company financials for invoices of the same amount. I f you find any do a correction then a customer payment, other than that you are in a bit of a quandary unless you start locating the actual payments through the bank statements or cheque book. Failing any research and no answers I would start to invoice the POA and make a record for the accountant, it's all they would do if you can't find who has paid where.
Whats happened is some payments on account that should be paying invoices certain invoices the invoices were paid off with a previous payment on account, and this goes back about a year. So now I have found a payment on account thats come out of the actual bank statement for £4K and I have no invoices to allocate it against as the invoices in question have been already paid by an earlier payment on account. None of the payments on account in this particular supplier are allocated against any of the correct invoices. The Payment on account function hasn't been used correctly and is very messy!!! Will take alot of unravelling but difficult to know where to start as I think this is the case with quite a few of the suppliers?
So if I raise a dummy invoice to take care of the bank payment, and then I can reconcile the bank correctly, I would need to put on a credit note to take care of the incorrect invoice/payment allocation. They are in Standard VAT accounting.
Thanks for that, I have had a look and this particular supplier they are all over the show, nothing has been allocated correctly for about a year, some of them I have been able to delete as they haven't been Bank Rec, but its the ones that have been Bank Rec that are causing the problems.
I remember the reason now that I didn't like Sage! Not easy to unravel mistakes like this!
Maybe Mark (the Sage expert) will be on here later to tell me what I can do to get out of this mess.
How close to year end are they? You could cut your losses (not literally) by finding out the proper balances on the supplier accounts (by phoning the suppliers and getting a statement of account with them) then checking what is correct and what isn't, what has been paid and what hasn't. Has the bank account been reconciled properly so that the difference is zero? I'm thinking find out the correct balances and write off the rest using credit notes or posting dummy invoices with T9 tax codes to avoid messing with the VAT. I had a case a bit like this once and this is what I did. Could save a lot of time, as long as the accountant is aware of what has been done. You could then rebuild the data and start again from fresh with a TB from the year's accounts.
Just a thought. Might save a lot of hassle and fiddly work.
Sorry for not coming back sooner had a couple of busy days!
Vince I have printed off what you said because if I find out any more of these POA I will be doing what you say. I now hate the POA method as its been used far too much and not done properly! After going back through it all there were POA say for £2000, and then on the same day a Purchase Payment made of the same value, hence why I couldn't find all the correct invoices tallying. Well the PP that were not bank reconciled I have now deleted which has left balances on the account for me to pay the payments off against when I found them on the bank statement.
Pauling - I may well do what you say, the stupid thing he he is up to date with the supplier and only pays what is owed, its just thats its all wrong on Sage. So I may well do what you say, and then tell the accountant what I have done. When I took it it on the bank amount was out by quite abit, some of which I found but to be honest some of it is 6 months old and reconciled wrong, so I was advised not to try and unravel it all as I think it would be an impossible task. The amount that was the difference on the Bank rec I have put to 9998 to highlight it, I think its all the POA with all the different suppliers. Hopefully this now won't happen again!
Its times like this I loathe sage! Anyway onwards and upwards and move forward. Ps luckily he is standard accounting for VAT.
I had a client like this, but my situation was they paid an amount to suppliers which never agreed to the invoices that they had provided, so in the end I just did what Pauline suggested and used dummy credit note/invoices to balance the account to the supplier statement