Is it possible within Sage to change the automatic wording of 'Sales Receipt' on a statement to something more user friendly like 'Fees paid'. I work for a children's nursery so don't have sales as such.
I understand you would like it to be more user friendly for your customers? Fees are a form of sales really. It's just terminology I think. There might be a way to edit this in report designer. I've never tried. If you go to print a statement the usual way but click edit instead you may find a way in this screen to edit standard terminology.
If you go to Settings => Customer Defaults and click on the "Statements" tab, you can change the default wording for each type of transaction.
However, whether this actually reflects on your statements depends on the statement report itself - it's been a long time since I used them, but I guess the default statements use these pieces of text.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)