Just a quick one- my bank reconciliations are being done but when I press reconcile (zero unmatched) I still have a book balance that is different to the statement balance, why is this the case showing on a bank rec balance?
Where is the book balance being shown as different from the last reconciled balance?
If it is on the bank reconciliation screen itself, then it could be either that you didn't enter the closing statement balance in the window/dialogue that leads to the actual reconciliation window, or it means that the opening balance was incorrect.
I assume this is the same client you were talking about in your question last night, where you've taken over and things are in a mess - so I'd say there's a good chance your predecessor may have messed up his/her bank reconciliations.
On the other hand, if you are seeing this difference after pressing reconcile, and it's on the main bank accounts screen, then this is to be expected: The book balance shown there isn't the book balance as at the last date you reconciled the bank, but the current balance, which might include transactions entered after that date.
But my money is on your predecessor's bank reconciliations being incorrect.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Check the date of postings. There might be one or two transactions which might have been posted to wrong date (may be after the bank reconciliation date) by mistake.