I'm quite a novice with all this. I have done computerised book keeping SAGE level 1 - 3 and someone has asked me to help with their wages as they now have to be computerised?
I need to call them on Monday - tomorrow to talk to them but it sounds to me like they need someone to do payroll. What do you think? I know its hard without further info but the only thing I could do on SaGe is the journal to log how the wages are split etc isn't it?
If they are asking you to do their payroll then you will need payroll software to do it, as they all have to be RTI compliant now and be linked to HMRC.
12Pay and Microsoft money are the 2 that are mentioned on here alot, I use 12 Pay.
There is a separate SAGE package for payroll but I haven't used it and don't know anything about it. Computerised Sage level 1-3 will be just for bookkeeping, Payroll is totally different.
Also if you are doing the payroll, you will need to have MLR in place and also insurance. Are you already self-employed?
Hi She would be my first client so at the moment I haven't got any thing in place insurance etc but as soon as I have someone who is a goer - which I don't think she is as I can't do payroll. I will get it all sorted - yes trying to set up as self employed. Also looking to try and get a small part time job in bookkeeping to give me more experience but not having any luck. People are all looking for someone with experience.
Payroll is pretty complex, and now has the added burden of RTI.
The ICB payroll diploma equips you to calculate payroll. If you are an ICB member then you must have a practising certificate, and cannot undertake work for which you do not hold the relevant qualifications. If you are not an ICB member (or a member of any other governing body) then you will still have to carry out Money Laundering checks, and should be properly insured, and to be honest if you're NOT a member of a body, you'll have trouble getting clients... It's all a bit Catch 22, I grant you.