A financial row is a row in the accounts linked to the trial balance.
The Insert Financial Row button inserts a new row above the selected cell in the accounts (for instance in the Notes or DetailPL2 sheets) and automatically creates a new row in the trial balance. Formulas are automatically placed in the current year and comparative columns linking the new row to the trial balance. The new row is also set as an AutoHide area.
You could achieve the same result using standard Excel techniques and the Set As AutoHide Area command, but using the Insert Financial Row button is much easier.
Step by step
The step by step instructions for creating a new financial row are as follows:
1. Select the cell above which the new heading is to appear, for instance the cell containing the Other creditors line in the creditors note on the Notes sheet, or a cell on the DetailPL2 sheet. See also: Which cell to select when inserting a new financial row.
2. Click on the Insert Financial Row button on the VT toolbar
15 Insert Fin Row Insert Financial Row button
3. In the Insert Financial Row dialog, enter the name of the heading (eg Director's loan) and click on the OK button
4. If you have a cash flow statement and the new heading is not part of operating profit, debtors or stocks you will need to manually insert the new row in an appropriate place on the CFWorkings sheet. See Inserting a new financial row into the cash flow workings
5. If you have inserted the new row into an existing list on the Notes or DetailPL2 sheets, the new row will be automatically included in the lead profit and loss account or balance sheet. If you have inserted it elsewhere, you may need to modify these sheets to pick up the numbers in the new row. If you modify the lead PL sheet in a company, you will also need to make a similar modification to the DetailPL1 sheet and vice versa
If there are headings adjacent to the new row, VT Final Accounts will know where to insert the new row in the trial balance and whether to show debits or credits as plus. If there are no adjacent rows, you will be asked these questions and a new group of headings will be started at the bottom of the profit and loss account or balance sheet sections of the trial balance as appropriate.
Tip If you cannot find the new row in the trial balance, or you just want to get to it quickly, double click on the new current year cell in the accounts (for instance, on the Notes or DetailPL2 sheet). This will jump you to the trial balance.
Column style notes
You cannot use the Insert Financial Row button to insert a new row in a column style note such as fixed assets. If you need to modify these notes, you should use standard Excel commands.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Basically, I need to add a new line for prepayments which I would like to appear on the BS. I know how to add a financial row in Detail PL1 Detail PL2 - but am not sure how to add prepayments so this appears on the BS in the abbreviated accounts
A thankyou to Stuart (Peasie) for going to the effort that he did wouldn't have gone amiss there.
That aside, I'm assuming that you are refering to VT Accounts as Prepayments is on the face of the balance sheet within VT Transaction+.
Coming at this from the direction of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".
In VT Accounts prepayments are part of other debtors as appears under note 5 (Debtors) which is shown under current assets.
In the abreviated accounts the debtors figure is still shown but you do not show the associated notes that are only available in the full version of the accounts.
With abreviated accounts you are actually giving the bare minimum necessary which is why you file the full accounts with the tax return.
Telling the reader the detail of accruals and prepayments in the abbreviated accounts is not required as everyone who needs that information has the full accounts available to them,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.