I love Quickbooks but I have to say I'm not bonding with they payroll bit at all at the moment.
I tried to print some P60s off yesterday and it prints the numbers but not the rest of the page ie I end up with a piece of paper with a few random numbers on it but no boxes/headings/coloured sections/titles etc. A friend of mine is having the same problem with her version. Is there something we are doing wrong?
I haven't used QB's payroll for some years now, but form memory when I did it, it was the same, and we had to have P60's forms from HMRC and put them in the printer and then print. I've no idea if its the same now. Is there not an option to print it like it should be on a form? I know 12 pay last year I was able to print a P60 straight from the software and it actually printed it like a P60 with just blank paper in the printer.
Looks like you have to order preprinted forms from HMRC. I've done it on the HMRC website now but I really don't understand why QB don't have the ability to print them out like other payroll packages can especially when they charge so much to have the software in the first place. I thought it would be a good package to use and nice to have integrated with the rest of the accounts. Maybe not!
Having used QB's payroll along time ago for a company and I saw how expensive it was that's the reason I don't have it. I actually liked the payroll but the price is way out, especially when you have got 12pay and moneysoft that are cheaper and just as good if not better.
I got it free this year as part of their half price proadvisor deal. But I'm thinking I might get moneysoft instead. do you have experience of that? why did you choose 12pay?
I haven't used Moneysoft so don't know too much about it, although there are people on here that use it.
12 pay is brilliant, easy to use and support is really good. I wouldn't switch back to QB's not now. I do use QB's for bookkeeping and really love it for that, just wouldn't use the payroll.
thanks. i finally got through to QB chat support and he was Useless with a capital U. Not impressed. Will check out 12pay and moneysoft and then decide. Thanks for your help.