Apologies if this has been asked before, I had a quick check and couldn't see any relevant topics.
I phoned HMRC as well about the fact that I run a payroll bureau, asking what I do if I take a couple of weeks holidays? They told me to file the RTI's early and amend them if need be when I get back - but my payroll software pops up a warning to ensure the RTI is correct as I cannot refile.... I'm new to Moneysoft, maybe somebody can advise me if there is a way around this.
Hi, as you say, it shouldn't be unreasonable to take two weeks off once a year and still be able to act for client's with weekly paid employees. The matter you've raised would become an issue if penalties are applied for inaccuracy and HMRC appear to be telling you that penalties won't be.
I'm sure mobile applications will help smooth over the cracks and if you have a 'continuity of service' agreement with another practitioner, then they could file on your behalf.
Other than that I'd keep your eye on Moneysoft's RTI Batch Processor. You will still need to take your laptop on holiday, but it should make filing a little easier.
Hopefully a re-filing facility will eventually be built in to the software but until then the 'amendment' will be automatic, in the year-to-date figures of succeeding submissions.