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Post Info TOPIC: A bit of a moan


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A bit of a moan
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Sorry for this but...

I just received a call from a driving instructor.  I have recently targeted this market and have put together a service which I think is really great value, just £20 per month for bookkeeping, final accounts and a self assessment.  Imagine how taken aback I was when he said he thought this was too expensive because he has all his receipts in envelopes each month and all I need to do it put the figures in the right box!!  

He's decided that the best thing would be for me to sit with him this year and make sure he puts the right figures in the right boxes.  I tried to explain it's not that simple, knowing the boxes is the easy bit, knowing the right figures is slightly more difficult.  It was no good, I had to eventually say I wasn't the right person for him and wished him luck.

I just can't believe some peoples attitude to their business, save money but stick to your strengths.

Rant over




BKN Most Innovative Accountancy Firm 2012

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£5 per week, you can't win can you Kris.

Good moan, i hope it helped.



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Yeah, I managed to develop quite a good system to automate a lot of it, so yes I still make a reasonable profit from it.

I just can't believe the people who think they can soak up all your knowledge in a couple of hours. After all, what we do is not hard any idiot can pick it up, cant they?



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£240 p.a. and the guys complaining where you are basically doing the lot... You're well clear.

Unfortunately thats how a good many seem to think of us Kris where no matter what your fee they think that it's too much.

I mean, how difficult can adding a few figures up and sticking it in box be?

God, I must be really thick the length of time that I've been studying it for just in order to be able to do that.

If only I had studied harder at school I could have been earning real money and had genuine respect stacking shelves in Tesco's but its just this putting figures in boxes stuff for the likes of us matey.

Seriously though, just write it off and move on. They'll more than likely be back in a year or so more than happy to pay a lot more for you to sort the mess out.

kind regards,




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It's just cost me a small fortune and umpteen hours to become an idiot then lol.

Which is a shame really, i could have saved time money and hassle as i was already quite qualified before.

You are going to get one of these people now and then, Reminds me, I once had a doctor bring a car to us and the door wiring was all snapped and chewed up, 38 black wires. He said 'can you do it for me, it shouldn't take long, it's not brain surgery is it'

I said 'you effin do it then'

Glad i use a different practice.



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Lol Shaun. Snap?



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I feel much more calm now. I promised myself a long time ago never to negotiate on prices, there they are take 'em or leave 'em. He seemed quite surprised when I told him I wasn't the service he was looking for.

I do like your response to the doc, Neil.


BKN Most Innovative Accountancy Firm 2012

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We will either come back soon when he realises your prices are more than reasonable, or he will find some cowboy willing to do it for less. 

Either way you have lost anything by sticking to your principles.  Giving in just sets a precedent.



Nick Craggs FMAAT ACA  AAT Distance Learning Manager


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You're right Nick. I also find the people who mumble about prices generally cause the most problems later, or you constantly need to chase payment which is why I don't negotiate on it.


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Kris I am leaving Training Link and starting my own driving instructor business, you can be my Bookkeeper as I have just won the Bookkeeping services lottery,

Nowt more queer than folk eh?


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I would have said to him "and how much do YOU charge an hour"




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Good point about hourly rate because he was asking for an instructor.

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