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Post Info TOPIC: Congratulations Shaun

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Congratulations Shaun
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Congratulations Shaun on being the BKN book-keeper of the year 2012.




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When I saw the title there I thought something new had happened.... Like Shaun had got married again.



BKN Most Innovative Accountancy Firm 2012

Director and Co-Founder of The Bookkeepers Alliance


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lol Kris,

I think that one should just go stright to a commisserations to my bank manager. lol

Hi Mike,

many thanks for the sentiment.

Its not actually a new one but rather I noticed Frauke had hers in her signiture so just thought that it would be apt to add mine as well.

Kris could also add his as well if he so chose (Most innovative accounting firm 2012).



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"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."

I LOVE this line.. so true :)

How does one become bookkeeper of the year?? Do you get nominated? Or is based on something you have contributed to BKN?

Well done, too. That must have been lovely for you :)


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Hi Michelle,

well, you send an envelope stuffed with used £20's to.... lol

its an annual thing where the people on here vote for who they feel deserves it but it's a little unfair in that I know that I can name a dozen people more deserving of the acolade than myself (but I'm sure that each will be rewarded for their efforts in time).

You've already taken the first few excellent steps towards achieving it yourself this year. Keep with posts the quality of those that we've seen already and who knows whether the trophy may be adorning your mantlepiece this year!

kind regards,


p.s. yep, it felt really good which is wierd because I wasn't hankering after it until it came to the day.



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Wow, there's a trophy?? Uber!

Oh I'm not after an award, that would just make me embarassed! LOL! Like you say, there are so many on here that clearly take time out of their busy day to help others, I need to get in line and wait my turn.. maybe 2015 is my year? Might take away the shock of being 40! Hahaha!!

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