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Post Info TOPIC: Hello and thanks for having me at BKN :)


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Hello and thanks for having me at BKN :)
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Hi all :)

I'm Michelle, a relatively new member who is LOVING this forum!

I recently started working for myself (June 2012) after working in practice for 15 years.  I am FMAAT, a licenced member, and director of my company Fox Accountancy Services (Manchester) Limited.  Its still early days, but I am incredibly pro-active and things have been slowly coming together.  A little bit feast or famine, so thank god for savings!

I've signed up to help others in any way I can, and also because its nice to have a bit of support when I second guess myself (which I often do!).  Since I left work, its been weird not having my boss to "just check" things with, so I understand what its like to be unsure of the next step, and me being me, I want to help anyone in that situation!  I am pretty sh*t hot with bookkeeping as I understand how the accountant needs it, and my years of experience with Sage means I know how to fudge things onto it, when it presents daft problems.  Thats not to say I know it all, not by a long shot.

I use Sage 50, SAPA and Sage Tax, as well as Quickbooks, Xero and any other software a client throws at me.  I also do small payroll jobs on Basic Tools.  

And so thats me.. please say hello and tell me about you :)


Michelle biggrin


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Hi Michelle,

I've been enjoying some of your posts. Great to have another active contibutor on the site.

You'll soon find yourself with the site open in a tab or on a different screen whenever you are on the PC and you will find it a real skill to be able to wrench yourself away from the site to do some payiong work, lol.

Its a good mix on here of qualified bookkeepers and accountants of all of the major bodies plus at least equal numbers of students and potential students of the same. There are a lot of non postsers who read the site and occassionally come in from the cold to introduce themselves.

Generally we're a freindly and helpful bunch so you will fit right in here.

Of me, my background is in management consultancy and business analysis in the banking sector. I'm site moderator. I joined the site early in 2010 and spent so long on here that the owners offered me the role of policing the site.

Good to have you on board and looking forwards to chatting more... Espechially if we get some more nice questions like that one from Soar that we had earlier where there were three quite correct answers. Those one's always make for the best debates.

All the best,




Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.


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Hi Shaun

Giggle.. already I am finding it hard to wrench myself away! Its as interesting to read posts as it is to answer them! I can see there are some kings of knowledge on here, and I am already in awe.

Thanks for saying hi :)



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Not far - used to be nearer though - at the old gate lodge which was demolished not long ago for an Aldi..  About the only dealings were regular letters asking to buy us out!



-- Edited by Don Tax on Tuesday 7th of May 2013 01:15:45 PM



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Great to welcome a fellow Mancunian.

You exactly describe the way I feel about the forum. It can be a 'self-challenge' to answer the some of the questions and very good CPD.

Look forward to reading your posts.

kind regards,



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Hi Tim

Thanks for saying hi! And, haven't we got a glorious day for it? Might have to move the "office" outside later!

I am over in Chadderton... where are you?

M :)



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Good grief Chaddy! I'm in Middleton at the moment right behind the Arndale Centre, but am very tempted for some gardening leave today.



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The middle of Midd! You will be right near to Brookes then? ((shudder))



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Geordies are confused as to why that place isn't open 24 hours Tim.



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Aldi do the best dishwasher tabs..



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Can't believe it's a pound for the trolley though, that's the dearest thing there lol.



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Duh! Get a fake keyring one! Then you can go home with a free trolley...

#lookwhatyoucouldhavewon ;)



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Shamus wrote:

lol Neil, I'd forgotten all about Garth dancing to Hendrix. (still think that the Bohemian Rhapsody in the car was the best... And so true of my younger days)

As for you Tim... And you accuse us brummies of speaking in tongues.

I think the words you were looking for is....    A sphincter says what? LOL!

-- Edited by FoxAccountancyServices on Wednesday 8th of May 2013 10:37:07 AM



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Spamkebab wrote:

Geordies are confused as to why that place isn't open 24 hours Tim.

Waahay man. Ah knoo - if the other lat can dee it, why canna them.




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Aldi man! it says Aldi.



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CLEARLY I am going to fit in well, here.. bunch of nutters ;)



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Aldi, Aldi! Gi ower. They nat even apen pest the ef licence.



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Hiya Michelle

I'm a Middleton boy and a very recent MAATer, if ever you have room for a small one in your office gimme a shout lol.

Why do i keep singing 'Foxy, Foxy lady' from Waynes World?



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lol Neil, I'd forgotten all about Garth dancing to Hendrix. (still think that the Bohemian Rhapsody in the car was the best... And so true of my younger days)

As for you Tim... And you accuse us brummies of speaking in tongues.



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Hi Spam, congrats on your new MAAT status! When I achieve world domination, you are welcome for the ride ;o)

Hahaha, love Waynes World.. Foxy by name, Foxy by nature ;oP

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