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Post Info TOPIC: How do I search for a particular user?

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How do I search for a particular user?
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With my advancing years I sometimes not only forget the replies that I have been given but also the questions that I asked!

Is it possible to search for alltopics by a given user?

Many thanks,



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Hi Mike,

find a thread where the user has posted.

Click on their name. (the blue underlined bit in the box to the left)

in the left hand panel choose member posts and it will list every post that user has made.





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Thanks Shaun



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Shaun, how do you send a private message to someone?


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Hi Michelle,

They have to have private messaging enabled through their profile. If they have then its a similar approach to finding the old posts in that there will be a private message option on the left hand side.

To set yourself up to be PMd just go to settings and there's an email option where you can say "No, accept emails privately" so you can receive them but it doesn't give your email address out.

Personally I've found that I have to restrict which one's that I answer offline otherwise people would be asking questions off site which would then only be of use to one person rather than on the site as a reference / discussion for all.

Main thing that I use it for is where people need to report things like offline bullying and backdoor censorship (both of which have occured a few times) which I then get sorted for people.



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What Shaun means is, he tries to stop people like me keeping him from earning a living.

It's written there, between the lines lol.

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