Does the 0061 code exist at the moment? If so, you can just rename this code to the one you require and then make sure it is included in the COA by clicking on COA in the Nominal Ledger, choosing your default set of accounts and click on Edit. In the left hand pane click on Fixed Asset and the categories that are included are shown in the right hand pane. Make sure your 0060 and 0061 codes are included in the high and low range.
If it does not exist then you will have to create it. Go to the Nominal Ledger and click on COA - Edit - Choose fixed assets and in the list on the right type in the next available line Intangible asset franchise amortisation and choose 0061 to 0061 as the low/high range, click on Save.
Then create the nominal code. Go to the Nominal ledger - New - name it Intangible Asset Franchise Amortisation and the type will be Fixed Asset (albeit an intangible one). The category will be the one you just created and hopefully it will choose the 0061 code, if not you can just overtype the one shown with 0061. When it asks you if there is an opening balance to enter click on No - Next and Finish.
I hope this isn't too muddly for's much easier to show someone than explain!
Edit: Damn....took so long to type all that that Jeremy beat me to it!!
-- Edited by Stardoe on Thursday 16th of May 2013 09:11:11 PM
Hi everyone - I have been a non-member lurker for some time and found this forum very useful.
I have hit a hurdle attempting to set up a new nominal code on Sage Instant Accounts. It is to enable me to post amortisation at the year end for our franchise fees. Nominal 0060 already exists as Intangible Asset Franchise and I need to set up 0061 as Intangible Asset Franchise Amortisation but I have never done this before with Sage.
I would be grateful if anyone could give me step by step instructions how to do this please including account type and all of that as I have not got a clue and google wasn't much help either I did think I could just click onto the office furniture depreciation code and copy where that went but it didn't show me when I selected it and clicked on 'record'