How do I post a bank payment for VAT onto Quickbooks, so that it doesnt appear as an unassigned item on the VAT reports? The VAT box on the payment page is greyed out, so I cant select that its outside the scope of VAT.
Normally when you run a VAT return you would then go to File VAT and it would either leaver as an amount under the supplier which is HMRC by default or it would let you automatically pay it now and it would do the process in the back ground.
Can you explain abit more please. (Sorry I am having a thick moment).
I am a sage bod, so Quickbooks just boggles me with the odd thing here and there..
It leaves an amount under supplier. Would never have guessed that one on my own! Will delete the VAT payment, and go to pay bills then. Something new learned today!
A client has sent me an back up in need of major tidying. Never had a VAT reconciliation run on it, bank all over the place!
OK I understand now, don't worry I am no Sage Bod, I can use Sage and do but only the instants version and I don't like it particularly.
Yes when you File VAT it gives you an option to 'Pay later' that will then put it in the suppliers bit to pay later. So then go to Supplier Menu and click 'Pay Bills' and then you should find it on the screen amoungst other bills to pay. Just scroll down and find the one that you want and pay it in the usual manner.
HTH, if you get stuck post on here again.
PS sounds like a SAGE one that I have just tidyed up it was all over the place.
Yes its a bit of a mess... the VAT returns don't match the actual filed returns! So the bank payments dont match the balance that's posted to HMRC supplier. The client did all the returns manually so I am just going through each one (Back to Oct11!!) and creating a manual adjustment for the next return due...