I have just noticed a quirky error on our Accounting Periods on Sage 200.
On one of our companies (and just the one ... so far!) I went to post into the system transactions relating to June 2013. The date cell became orange when I entered the date 06/06/2013 meaning that the period isn't open yet.
The financial year for this company runs from October - September.
When I went to open up the period, I found that periods 1-6 (Oct 2012 to end of March 2013) were showing correctly,
However, periods 6-12 were showing the correct months (April - Sept) but the year had suddenly jumped from 2013 to 2014!
Can anyone shed some light on what's happened and how I can restore it?
I have tried to change the date from the option at the bottom but Sage will not let me.
I don't use Sage 200, but I'm guessing there may be some confuzzlement between the company's financial year, and the tax year - ie, April onwards is the 2013/2014 tax year. Is there perhaps an option somewhere that displays the calendar year versus the tax year?
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)