I have a client that is a few years behind with their paperwork. I've still to ascertain how far behind they are and will probably only find out when I've been authorised to act on her behalf as regards VAT and Self Assessment.
For VAT she is probably at least three years behind. I've seen assessments and default charges going back to 2010. I would guess (I'll need to look properly later) these default charges will also increase if the actual tax is greater than the assessed amounts.
Because of the length of time it is taking me to get all the paperwork I was hoping to do the latest VAT return manually (on Excel) and file via HMRC webpage and then go back to the earlier ones. Even the latest one is now late. Is this skipping allowable - or do I have to do them in the order they should have been done in?
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
She should be able to get her effective date of registration by ringing up. If shes got her VAT number, that is!!
Given that there were two years worth of un-opened letters from HMRC I somehow can't see her phoning up. And I can't phone up until I get authorised. She assures me the VAT certificate is there. I have told her the longer she leaves things the more penalties/surcharges/interest etc she will incur.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
If that doesn't work, put "VAT registration certificate" in the search box on HMRC's home page,
choose the 3rd search result, "Questions about VAT: writing to HMRC to get them answered"
click "Where to write or email to" and you will see the relevant structured email link.
Good luck Peasie with this one, sounds like you have a lot to sort out. Some people just cant bring themselves to open letters from HMRC can they? I had a similar client (albeit he was only a couple of months behind) so I sat with them whilst he phoned HMRC, authorised me for that call and then passed over the phone to me. Sorted. Well ok I had to chase him after a few days to see if he had then received anything in the post, which he denied but I found it when I went to collect his paperwork!
I have a friend who opens no post at all for months on end - she is just scared in case there is bad news in there!
Just checked the link after typing this - great one Eunice. One to add to my favourites bar!
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Is this really a client you would want???? The reason why I ask this, is I actually had one! Didn't know until I started opening all of his letters how bad it was. VAt return - what was that my client said! Well to cut a long story short it was far worse than I expected and it went back 4 years, the old accountant said 'Good Luck' to me and although I do know them I thought that was a strange thing to say, it was said tongue in cheek and we both laughed, little did I know how bad it really was. Well they went bust! Fortunately they didn't owe me any money I had all of my money so that wasn't a problem and I only worked for them a short time as the alarm bells were ringing. Maybe your alarm bells should be ringing??...................
I don't want to put you off, but one thing I did learn from it, is some people it doesn't matter how much you try to help them, they don't want to be helped and are useless at running a business and realistically they should be employed by someone, told what to do and collect their wage at the end of the month. My guy was certainly one of those people.
Good luck with it, and what ever you decide to do with her.
PS sorry if it sounds negative, it was jut abit of friendly advice really.
If that doesn't work, put "VAT registration certificate" in the search box on HMRC's home page, choose the 3rd search result, "Questions about VAT: writing to HMRC to get them answered" click "Where to write or email to" and you will see the relevant structured email link.
That is asking for roughly the same information I am asking her for to get the Agent Authorisation.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I know what you're meaning and under normal circumstances I may have considered walking away. But the shop is so close to me. The person was in the same registration class as me at school. My aunt is friends with her family. The funniest one of all is she was born in the same place as me only a few hours earlier than me. When doing the MLR checks I took a photo of her passport and when looking closer at it I noticed her date of birth. Then noticed the town she was born in. The next time (I remembered) I asked her the place she was born and it turned out it was the same place as me. I know I was born four minutes after midnight. I didn't ask the exact time from her in case she thought I was mad. (She probably already thought that as I wasn't exactly an angel when at school).
As long as I am paid on time (and she is keen to pay the reduced rate I offer for monthly standing orders) then it could turn out to be good free advertising for me if I do a good job (as I have never heard anyone talk as much as her to her customers). And by good job, I mean keep her up to date with HMRC as regards VAT, Self Assessment and PAYE. Although the penalties she will incur for past failures may be crippling.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Its good to know you are going to hopefully put her on the straight and narrow, but word of warning (and it happened to me) you may already be too late. It doesn't take much these days for HMRC to close you down.
Hopefully you are not too late and can make a difference.