I have a client with VAT QE: 28.2.13 & 31/5.2013 and I was wondering if it was worth asking for his VAT to match year end 5.4 so its easier to match his year end to vat and check for errors etc, does anyone have any thoughts about whether this would be worthwhile ? Many thanks
You can change the quarter end to 31.03 and then do the accounts up to this date. I have done this in the past and just left the accounts dated as 05.04.. HMRC dont usually bother about the 5 days. If he is a sole trader, you can just show on his tax return that the period basis is 06.04 - 31.03.. and you can also change the year end date if its a limited company with companies house.
I believe that VAT quarters are always based on calendar months so a VAT quarter can not end on 05.04. As Michelle says you could align the VAT quarters so that one of them ends on 31.03. HMRC is fine with accounts done up to 31.03 for the year.
Form VAT484 can be used to request a re-alignment of the VAT quarters, but I think HMRC does not have to agree with your request. I have seen posts on other forums where people discussed this.