I'm trying to tidy up the accounts using Sage and would like to know how do I post a bank payment to an invoice in Sage after the payment has already been posted but not to the invoice?
The same applies for a training providers payments to the company for a member of staff, how do I contra the receipts against invoices that were not posted but should have been?
"I'm trying to tidy up the accounts using Sage and would like to know how do I post a bank payment to an invoice in Sage after the payment has already been posted but not to the invoice?"
The answer depends on exactly where the payment has been posted, though some aspects are the same:
If the payment has been posted to the correct supplier ledger account, and is showing as a payment on account, go to the bank screen and click "Suppliers" as if you were going to post a supplier payment as normal. Select the supplier in question, and find the payment on account. Mark that as paid in full, then the invoice it is paying. (The payment total at this stage should show zero). Save.
If the payment has been posted to the wrong supplier ledger account, identify the transaction number, and using the maintenance screen edit it so that it appears on the correct supplier account, then carry out #1.
If the payment has been entered as a bank payment (straight to a nominal ledger account) then you need to enter a corresponding receipt (or, if it hasn't been bank reconciled, use maintenance to delete the transaction), then post it as a supplier payment from the bank screen. In this instance, you could also simply post a credit note from the supplier in question to the nominal code to which the payment has been posted, but I prefer to have the supplier ledger account showing actual invoices and payments that have been made, rather than credit notes in lieu of erroneous postings.
"The same applies for a training providers payments to the company for a member of staff, how do I contra the receipts against invoices that were not posted but should have been?"
Well you can't contra against something that isn't there!
However, I assume that had these invoices been posted, they would have been either crediting the wages P&L code, because they represent a payment against (and are therefore offsetting) the company's cost of the employee's pay, or an "other income" code, to show them separately from the wages cost that they offset. IYSWIM.
If so, you could simply post the receipts straight to whichever code that would be.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
In that case, it's method 3. The result will be a (new) receipt and corresponding payment showing as unreconciled when you next perform a bank rec, but you can match them off against one another.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)