I'm having difficulty in getting details from a client for (Agent) VAT authorisation. Details such as...........well, EVERYTHING.
They have been paying assessed amounts for years as well as the 15% default surcharge. I need the date on their VAT certificate, the date of the last return and the box 5 details from the last return. At the moment all I have is their VAT Number and business address.
Would I be able to phone up HMRC and ask them to send the other details to their address and for them to then hand those details to me? Or would that not work?
How can HMRC allow this to go on for so long without wanting to take a look at the business?
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
When this has happened to me before (if the 64-8 form hasn't cleared), HMRC are usually happy to send a duplicate VAT certificate to the business address within a couple of days.
I am now authorised as their Agent but it was fun and games.
The phone conversation went along the lines of :
ME : (heavily paraphrased) I need the date on their VAT certificate, the date of the last return and the box 5 details from the last return to enable myself to get Agent status but I don't have these - would it be possible for you to post them out to the client?
VAT : No. She can phone up herself and if she passes the security questions we will given the details to her - or give her a reference number and you can phone up with that to get the details.
ME : What is the security questions she will be asked?
VAT : The date on their VAT certificate, the date of the last return and the box 5 details from the last return.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.