A client has got a certain customer that messes him about regarding paying invoices & which they relate to etc. Anyway back in May money was received from the customer & I posted that to 2 invoices which I thought they matched. That was then reconciled for the cash accounting scheme vat return. Now that customer has said that money related to different invoices and the money he has now paid relates to those ones back in May. Does any one know how I can reverse it so those original 2 invoices from May become outstanding again & I can then match the May payment to different invoices & the current payment to the May ones please? Or will it be a journal of some kind?
You will not be able to amend those receipts as they have already been reconciled for VAT. (Are you using Sage?). If this latest payment matches two later invoices (which he agrees he has already paid with the previous payment) then I would just match this payment against them. As long as both you and the customer agree the invoices paid then this is the easiest way to deal with it. You could then make a note on the account what has happened.