I will have one client where their only employee (works three days a week) will be going on maternity leave in a couple of weeks. This client does not pay any PAYE tax or national insurance but does pay above the LEL so there is no money there to take the SMP from.
90% of the average weekly wage (worked out by Sage) is £114.91.
How often do HMRC pay in advance? Is it this exact amount? The reason I say that is at some point she will return to work and it is likely going to be before the end of her allowable time off.
I will be going to relevant HMRC pages for a proper read - as well as my Sage manuals (it does give a good background to the manual operation of things - before RTI obviously). Just if anyone has had first hand experience they could share this info.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
you can go online to claim the funding. It's quite a long process as you have to split the claim if it breaches two fiscal years. I seem to recall it asking for the first 6 weeks amount expected to be paid out and then the amount for the statutory amount (in your case it might just be the 90% figure the whole time as that looks to be below the statutory figure). I think they will then forward the funds in one (may be two) instalments.