I am changing over from using HMRC basic tools to go onto 12pay. To double check my figures I want to get a P11 with ALL figures to date to enter into 12pay.
The only report I can find is employee year to date summary.....what does not have as much details as the P11 ....... it only has total pay to date and NOT total free pay etc.
ALSO I started the payroll about 8 weeks ago so half way through the year. and entered the information from the P11's into HMRC basic tools, one of the employees is a director and it would not accept the pay to date and started again so now it's showing as if she has only been paid for the weeks in which I have done the payroll and not included the 32 weeks previous in the total, have I made a mistake here? and will I be introuble for sending the wrong figure to HMRC?
I stopped using Basic Tools a while ago so my information may not be from the latest version, but if you
go to the Employer Database and then select an emplyee, there's a tab called P11 Calculator and in there
is View P11 Summary.