I wonder if anyone can help, is there any accounts packages out there that have the capabilities of putting website sales directly into the package like sage or anything like that or would this have to be specifically written for the business?
Have you considered whether you need each and every transaction in the software? I have many clients who have online sales, and we tend to enter totals.
So for example, Amazon send money every fortnight. Using the report summary, I can post a cash receipt and cash payment to equal what is then put into the bank (receipts is sales, payment is fees deducted). This posts all those transactions in one go.
With paypal, you would set it up like any bank account.. you can use the monthly financial summary to get your sales and fees total, and then just post your purchases and bank transfers individually.
Some custom websites download excel files also, which can give you total sales per week, per month etc
It depends on how your business works really, what products you sell, when you get paid, how you get paid... there's lots of ways you could set it up.. hard to say exactly at this point, but hopefully its given you some food for thought