Has anyone claimed the allowance yet via Sage?....
When you read up on the HMRC guidelines it says that you can claim via an EPS if your software supports it, which surely Sage must?!! So does that mean do you need to do an EPS after submitting your FPS??
yes all you need to do is go into Company settings and on the right there is a list of options. The last box is 'eligible for employment allowance', tick this and from there you automatically send the EPS. If you print out reports like the 'summary part 2' it will still show the employers NI on it but don't panic (as I did) as it gets deducted on the P32.
I was wrong about having to wait until the 6th May. As Rob says, as soon as you tick that box an EPS is sent.
Well - I say is sent, Sage is having quite a few attempts at sending it. It usually gets sent the first or second time but today it took about ten attempts (this was being composed while I waited). That is one advantage Sage has over Payroll Manager - you don't have to keep clicking for each re-attempt. Having said that, I bet there is a check box to allow PM to automatically keep re-trying, like Sage - I've just missed out where.
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