This is all I'm getting - it is just repeating over and over. I thought maybe the HMRC servers were overloaded this afternoon. But this is nearly midnight and this thing just does not want to send. I've even re-booted the computer. But NOTHING. It's driving me insane. I have numerous other EPS and end of year things filed but not yet submitted. What on earth is going on.
Part of a cunning income generation plan? Impose penalties for not doing stuff on time, then set up a broken system so you can penalise people for failing to get things in on time!
Part of a cunning income generation plan? Impose penalties for not doing stuff on time, then set up a broken system so you can penalise people for failing to get things in on time!
lol. A cynic after my own heart there.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Lucky we're not Facebook friends, or you'd see my cynicism with what's going on in the world in full swing!!!!
I am actually a bit concerned about all this doing everything online and nasty deadlines stuff. Last time I was doing this everything was filed on paper, with laxer deadlines and smaller penalties, so I've got some catching up to do.
I'm confused by why I've just had to find my cheque book, and remember how to use one of those writing stick things on it, to send in my MLR form, when everything else is so computerised!
I left it running overnight - still not letting me know the status of it.
There are gateway notification emails saying they have received my submission and it is being processed. But I have four types of submission.
FPS for payments made.
EPS for month 12.
End of year EPS
Employment Allowance EPS.
I do not know who is to blame. I just know I am going to spend hours on the phone while Sage blames HMRC and HMRC will say it is Sage at fault.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Go into E-submissions, then e-submissions log. You should be able to see the status as 'success or failed' with the date next to it for FPS, EPS, P46 etc.
Go into E-submissions, then e-submissions log. You should be able to see the status as 'success or failed' with the date next to it for FPS, EPS, P46 etc.
That is where I am trying from.
The status is "Disconnected". So I click on "Update" and it just goes on and on.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
It's taken until Saturday afternoon to let me know this.
Multiple emails - that's an understatement. It's millions. But I still don't know if what they've received is the same as what I sent. I'm not getting the OK at this end. Oh well, one more to do. Technically I'm breaking the rules - they received their money this morning and I'm just about to hit the FPS button this evening.
"On or before" you say? I'll go with the "there or thereabouts" motto of another forum member.
I just noticed - the last update was...........TOMORROW ! ! !
-- Edited by Peasie on Saturday 12th of April 2014 05:49:19 PM
I had same issue and was trying to submit the employment allowance EPS before I ran the payroll. I needed to run the payroll asap so did that first and tried to roll back to submit at a later date and rerun. This then let to an issue with a FPS starter flag being ticked and not allowing my FPS to submit,