I have a client who is on the cash VAT scheme. Whilst submitting his VAT return in QuickBooks today I got a message saying that EC sales have to be done using the accrual method. I looked on the HMRC website but was not able to find out if it's just the EC stuff that needs to be reported on the EC sales list using accruals or if it means the client cannot be on the VAT Cash accounting scheme. I did find another message saying that people making lease purchases can't be on it and he is leasing a vehicle with a view to purchasing it at the end of the lease period. I haven't come across this before as most of my clients are accrual VAT so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Yes it's just EC sales on the EC sales list and it is the accruals method. and it has nothing to do with whether you use the accrual or cash scheme. The EC sales is completely different. I have no idea about the leasing purchases though, sorry.