I have just taken on a new client, and they are panicking as they have not ever done the payroll before (their bookkeeper walked out with no notice), so I decided I would take it on for them. They use Moneysoft, which I haven't used before, but I have been told it is all fairly easy to use.
So, I have downloaded it, have their user ID, great. Log in, get faced with the message about closing down last years RTI before starting this year! As we are in May payroll now, should this not already have happened? Is it just a case of me following the online instructions and then going on to do May payroll, or is there a way to check? I suspect that although April's wages were paid, the PAYE/NIC's weren't paid to HMRC. Is there an easy way to check this on Moneysoft or government gateway? Eek! In way over my head here!
If you have their user ID and password you can go to the HMRC website and then set up the Business Dashboard if it hasn't already been done.
One of my major grievances with HMRC is this dashboard is not available to Agents.
This tells you what's been sent in and what's been paid - but most of the time it doesn't relate to reality. I think they just pluck figures out of thin air for the dashboard.
As for if they have paid the money deducted from wages over to HMRC - that is really up to the client and HMRC (note below). If you are meaning has the FPS been done for April - that is easy enough to see. Click on the RTI button. Then click on the "View/File" for April. It should say the date it was sent in. If it hasn't been sent in then there will be likely be a pop up asking why it is late (seeing if there was a reasonable excuse/no excuse or a list of other options).
Note : I'm sure I read on another forum that Agents that have a lot of clients that are not paying HMRC may be getting checked by HMRC. Would it not then make sense to have an Agent's dashboard so Agents could check to see if their clients were paying or not?
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Hi, me again! I am doing payroll for a client for the first time, and petrified of getting it wrong!
I have logged on and it states there are RTI returns due. When I click on it to view it says due date 5th May, claim NIC employment allowance and then choice of view/file. When I click on view it all states zero, although I do know there are people on maternity leave. Is this correct??
I also have some tax code changes, but I can't find where you enter these. Please can someone help?
I use Moneysoft although not very experienced so would also see if someone else posts! I think the 5th May filing is the EPS to claim the NiC Employment Allowance which is why the nil amounts and will automatically come up if the box was ticked for the employer to claim in the Employer Details.
Sorry Carol, just re-read your earlier post and saw the question about tax code changes. You go into Pay Details screen for the employee that you're changing and double click on the tax code, I think as long as it's not locked.
The help facility on Moneysoft is pretty good, just pop tax code in the search query and lots of info comes up.