You've just reminded me of one of several reasons I changed from Sage to QuickBooks when I owned half of a company on the fringes of the construction industry, rather than doing accounts for other people!
I think Sage has a special version for construction, and I suspect this would facilitate the process - but I was hoping Bruce or John might have a sly workaround, to get the invoice to appear as I wanted it. I wondered if I could doctor the discount function and use the report designer to reposition. Haven't had time to play yet. Might be a bit ambitious. But I have done some cute things on sage before, so you never know LOL
I'm 10 years behind the times with Sage, but there were a number of times when I asked Tech Support how to do something, and by the time they got back to me to say it couldn't be done, I'd already worked out how to do it! I think negative amounts on invoices defeated me though! It's a shame I've had a long break from it, as I used to know it inside out, and could talk clients through doing almost anything on the phone without being anywhere near a computer.