I am mystified by Analysis Ledger / Analysis Account in VTT.
For an example: if I want to enter a transaction where a pension amount is credited from PEN to my current account CAC and I want this to appear as an increment to my Pension 'thing'; how do I enter all this in terms of Analysis Ledger and Analysis Account?.
A doddle in MM but I am not au fait with accounting terminology. Could someone help please.
I don't think that I properly understand what you're asking so this answer is based purely on what I think that your asking.
The double entry is
Cr: Bank:Current Account
Dr: Expenses:Pensions
Easiest way to enter it : Hit the P+R button (so flip side of the tranaction is defaulted to the current account)
1 for payment
date of transaction
Paid to / Received from : Pension
Total: pu the amount in there
Analysis ledger : Expenses
Analysis Account : Pensions
Onc you have done and saved that once it will default the ledger/account every time you enter Pension in the Paid To/Received From field making entry really quick.
As you say, a doddle which is why I'm thinking I must be misunderstanding the question.
No idea what you mean by the terms PEN and CAC? Where do they appear?
kind regards,
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Thank you for replying Shamus/Shaun (an Irishman like myself?).
I was hoping someone who had used Money Manager and had migrated to VTT+ would reply but no matter.
I had inadvertently 'lost' my MM April 2013 entries for my April 2013 - March 2014 file and so could not roll forward to 2014 - 2015. For a long time it seemed that MM could not recover. I set up a new April 2014 - March 2015 file but could not get it to accept any old entries. MM support went on about export the old entries and then import them. Did not work (corrupted file, etc) but eventually I found I could simply paste the valid old months into the new file.
MM uses Account, Sub-account (optional), Class and Mark (optional) fields to define each transaction all entered on a single line, no dialog boxes (except for inter-account transfers); a doddle when you get used to it and lightning fast. less than 10 seconds from clicking on the task-bar icon in my labyrinthine W7 to entering a new transaction.
I used to use MM years ago but what you want to know is in VT:
Analysis ledger: this is the main Account you want it to be posted to (e.g. Income, Expenses, Creditors, Suppliers etc....)
Analysis Account: this is the sub account under the main account.
The optional fields in MM, can also be set up in VT (Currencies, Departments & Lists)
too many generations removed to be considered Irish.
The furthest back I can trace my ancestry we started in Germany who moved to Ireland I'm led to believe with the intent of moving on to America but married an Irish lass. Their child married into a welsh family who married into an English family (who had also started out in Wales). Which ended up with me.
Basically I'm a bit of a Mongrol so whilst yes, there's Irish blood swiming around in their somewhere I consider myself more Welsh/English than Irish or German.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.