Newly registered employer taken on first employee and will be paying weekly with a week in hand. Using Moneysoft Payroll Manager I have input start date for employee as 16 June, however first pay date is 27 June after working first week in hand, so I think the first RTI submission will be on or before 27 June which is the first date of pay but as I've input PAYE scheme start date as 16 June then Moneysoft is looking for an RTI return on 20 June. I've spent so much time looking for somewhere I can say the first week is a week in hand but can't find it and hope that someone can help.
Or do I change the scheme start date to 23 June as that will be the first week a payment is made?
Hi Jac, I think this is what you're after but try it in the Sample payroll file first.
Click the blue spanner Setup, General and go to the bottom right button 'Adjust RTI due dates'.
If that doesn't solve things then I would just say follow your own knowledge. You know there aren't any RTI submissions due beforehand and that the employee works a week in hand. Many a time, I've left the first week blank in these circumstances.
Quite separately, if you go to Payroll Manager Help and type 'Offset' in the Search box there are instructions for when Holiday Pay and SSP are out of kilter with usual pay dates. You may not need this right away but it's relevant to the W.I.H. pay day arrangement and worth playing around with in the Sample file.
Many thanks Tim. Adjusting the RTI due date seems to advance it rather than putting it back (if I'm doing it correctly!) so will go with your second suggestion. When you say leaving it blank do you mean submitting with nil details or leaving that week and just submitting the following week when it is definitely due?
Also thank you for the tip about "Offset" as I'm sure I'll need this soon!
I've regularly been sending NIL weekly FPS reports. This suits me fine using the 'Batch RTI' function rather than waiting to file an EPS.
Check the Tools, Pay Dates (I'd be surprised if you haven't got Friday) just in case this interracts with any other settings you have. Not sure about your 'PAYE scheme start date' unless this is in the Employee Details menu.
Tried searching for 'Week In Hand' a couple of different ways without success in the Help file. My guess is the program does not at present do anything to assist you.
You could try posting your question on the Moneysoft Facebook page but I think you'll be perfectly alright with a NIL FPS.
I would submit the first RTI as a nil return for 20th June and this return will probably show the employee but receiving no pay and then next week things should be OK. Otherwise give Moneysoft a call as they are very helpful.
Hi Tim, yes I have Friday in the pay dates. Scheme start date is in employer details and didn't really want to change this so will go with sending the nil FPS, hadn't thought about the Facebook page so thank you for another handy tip!
Hi Roz, thank you too, going with filing the nil FPS and hopefully things will be nice and smooth in future! (Famous last words!)