I am setting up a new client on Moneysoft ready to do 1st pay run tomorrow. It is a Dir of Ltd company but this will be the first time they have paid themselves. So do I input them as starting during this tax year, or before? I have a P45 but it is dated Dec 13 so if the start date is this tax year then it's not relevant. (it was 632L)
Done payroll before but not come across this one so thanks in advance for your help
In the first instance, you should have added him as soon as the company (or PAYE scheme) started - irrespective of whether he was paid anything. This would inform HMRC that he was working for the company now when you file the RTI submission; it would also use the P45 up. When you coimplete the end of year, you generate a P60 for him and add this to the SA100 which would calculate any tax over/underpayment for the year. Then when you move to 2014/15, he will transfer over in the new data file.