Is there any way to de-select an item included in the quarters VAT return?
For example, there is one sales invoice that is being queried and I don't want to include it in the VAT return. I could always ignore it and manually adjust both the return and next quarters return (assuming it will be included later) but the Sage VAT reports will differ from the return. If this is something available on the more recent versions of Sage accounts, then I have the versions to update to (this particular company left on older version).
I don't think you can de-select the item so one way round this may be to post an internal credit note and then post a new sales invoice if it gets approved later.
Thanks.....that seems a bit dodgy.......I might be wong!! It is for a large amount and I would rather appear that I have missed it out (even deliberately) than look like I am avoiding VAT by raising a document like this.
It looks like I will just have to run the VAT return as normal and make manual adjustments.
Shame there wasn't a 'select all' button and ability to de-select items much like a bank rec.
I don't think it is dodgy if there is a genuine query. Given that you are saying it is a large amount, is the whole amount being called into question? Can a credit be raised for the 'disputed' part only. I think it is certainly incorrect to manually disallow the invoice if the dispute is not genuine. When is the VAT return due, can your client get the dispute resolved before it needs submitting?
It's no more or less dodgy than somehow having it "missed out".
Legally, AIUI, the invoice has to be included in the VAT return; it has been raised and issued in the relevant period.
If you don't want to include it because it's in dispute, the logical conclusion I make is that either you agree with the dispute - in which case, just raise an appropriate credit and be done with it - or you disagree with the dispute but know that, as a result, it'll be a while before it's settled - in which case, you're effectively trying to use a cash basis for the VAT on this invoice.
If you're already *on* a cash basis for the VAT, the whole issue is irrelevant anyway.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
The main question was really to do with Sage and whether it was possible to de-select items. As it is a 'No'.......I will have to think on.I can always declare it later and hopefully the query is enough to satisfy HMRC. It is greater than the £10k threshold allowing you to simply add to next return.....not sure what the interest/penalties are in general for this kind of thing.