No matter how hard I try I can't seem to get my cash flow actuals to give a correct balance, it always seems to be a pound or 2 out. Does anyone get them down to the penny?
Its really got me because it's out for the first four months then boom it's all correct. I may try a different albeit longer way of grabbing the data as there is obviously something missing somewhere.
Hi Matt I've had a look at that and it isn't the problem unfortunately. I have a feeling after thinking about it that it has something to do with a combination of a till account having a quirky end of month balance and the euro account. I'll fettle it though by one means or another, (like a cheat... I mean an adjustments row :))
have you taken into account for the surplus and deficits on the tills?
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Hi, that's where I will be looking, something at some point has knocked the till account out of kilter, it should be a constant £250 which is the float, but it's not for some reason. Today was a marketing day, tomorrow is back to finance day so I will see.