If you mean that purchase invoices and credits have been posted to suppliers accounts but with the mispostings account as the "charge" account, you'll need to establish the correct accounts and journal from the mispostings account to the correct account codes.
I think to show the p&l and balance sheet by nominal code you'll have to edit the chart of accounts, otherwise it automatically groups them together.
Hi Sam,
Tangfastic is correct - incredible that Sage doesn't provide this "out of the box", isn't it?
A few other options occur to me:
On later versions of Sage (v19 or 2013 onwards?) the reports have a drill through facility from each individual report item to the supporting nominal codes and, from there, on to supporting transactions. The downside is that the accountant would need to have access to Sage or someone would have to sit and print out all the reports for him.
Print the P&L and Balance Sheet reports; print the Chart of Accounts Layout report (CATLIST.report); and, print a trial balance. The accountant can add the figures up himself, right?
There are a number of products on the market (Pendragon Systems; Optegra Financial Software; our own Onion Reporting Software; and, others) that provide the reporting you're after without any set-up. They use the Sage Chart of Accounts to generate the P&L and Balance Sheet, showing both the Chart of Accounts categories and the nominal ledger codes. They offer free trials and could satisfy your requirement for at least this year. If the additional facilities offered by the software represent value for money, you'll have your solution for future years too. If not, nothing lost, and back to the other options.
I completely agree with you on the "out of the box" comment Ian. It can be a right faff to change it all. You'd think there would be a option to show a pnl/bs for all nominal codes (excluding no transactions) similar to some of the other reports.