I have a client staging early next year for Auto Enrolment. I have the sage payroll enrolment edition but was thinking of purchasing the additional module. Approx 15-20 employees. This is the only one of my clients staging next year.
I want to get of to a good start so this is why I was thinking of purchasing the additional module.
Has anyone else done this, did they recharge the client the monthly cost, and also have you put the normal payroll charges up to allow for the extra time. At the moment I charge per payslip.
I'd be interested to know if anyone is charging extra for doing the pensions report every month? None of my clients have started on their pension scheme yet, the first one is in January. I guess it's going to increase the time it takes me to do each client so I should charge more but I'm unsure what the going rate should be.
I'm unsure as to whether to charge a flat rate based on the time involved, or simply increase the price per payslip. Figures in my head atm are £2.50-£3.00 a payslip inclusive, or £1.50 a payslip plus a monthly charge of either £10/£20 based on number of employees.
Currently, all my payroll clients are bookkeeping clients, so the cost is hidden in the bookkeeping charges. I'm probably going to have to separate that out going forward, but my first staging date isn't until May 2017.
SD, I would definitely recharge the module cost if the client is willing to pay. If they aren't then it would be a personal decision as to whether it would benefit you. If Sage are already doing Payroll Software with AE, the what advantage does the module give?
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.