Yesterday I started working part-time for an accountant who doesn't use a computer, and the accounts admin person I've replaced is off sick and pretty much uncontactable. So I've been feeling my way around the pc to see what's what, and I've started filing overdue VAT and tax returns (accountant has done the calculations and filled in the paper returns so I'm just filling in the boxes in the online filing). This is the first time I have filed any returns.
Today I was on to a partnership return. I was able to file SA104s using HMRC online but am I right in thinking we have to use commercial software for the SA800? On the client partnership's page in HMRC online, when I clicked on 'file a return' it took me to the unauthorised page (I can't remember the exact wording), it doesn't recognise the UTR of the partnership and I can't get any further. The accountant says he has Sage for filing corporation tax returns and I'm wondering if I'll have to use it for the partnership return also? He said he had a limited number he can file using Sage so I don't want to use it unnecessarily.
Sorry if this is a basic question, we're a bit like the blind leading the blind at the moment.
CLH wrote:Today I was on to a partnership return. I was able to file SA104s using HMRC online but am I right in thinking we have to use commercial software for the SA800?
Yes, many people choose Andica when this problem arises due to low cost.
The accountant says he has Sage for filing corporation tax returns and I'm wondering if I'll have to use it for the partnership return also? He said he had a limited number he can file using Sage so I don't want to use it unnecessarily.
Thanks Tim. The accountant insists it can be filed online from the agent area. I'll have another dig around the pc and try to get into Sage tomorrow, failing that we'll have a look at Andica.