My heart fills with dread at what I think I already know but here goes, my boss withdrew money from the company bank account and dished it out among late night workers as a thanks. you know, just because.
How do I account for this?
Apart from strangling the man so it doesn't happen again, I am at my wits end with the recklessness of his actions.
All answers would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
MAAT, CIMA student, avoider of Tax as much as possible and going greyer by the day.
Have a look at what HMRC say on the subject of bonuses. (not sure if I have posted link correctly, but cut and paste into toolbar should get you there !)
Any cash you give to employees as a Christmas bonus counts as earnings, so youll need to:
Add the value to your employees other earnings
Deduct and pay Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax and Class 1 NI through payroll