Hi, I am now not working and I no who star of bookkeeping , I want something that will be straight away to understand bookkeeping with practical training.
Can you please provide a little bit of background about yourself, what sort of thing you have been doing for work and what has attracted you to bookkeeping in particular? What is your best learning style - classroom based or would you be ok with distance learning - you can do the latter with or without tutor support. Different methods incur different costs, so that may well be an issue with you not working, but there are loans available for people in certain age brackets.
There appears to be a little typo in your post so im not quite sure what you mean by ''I no who star of bookkeeping'' - can you check this out and maybe edit the post or explain again?
Without knowing more about your background I am tempted to say have a look at ACCA-X, but if you answer the above questions you may get more specific advice.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Well, I have very little experience in the field of manual bookkeeping , where I work one hour every week , but what I'd like to get it is a way of bookkeeping software in a practical , i mean need distance training or as little work for gained experience in this field , I am freelancer web (upwork) therefore experience increases the chances of getting freelanced
I hope I have explained what I want
I sorry for My language
Thank you