I have a client who has an employee who's been off work due to a bike accident. The client agreed with the employee that he would pay him holiday pay for the first few weeks in order that he doesn't have a reduction in his wages, as the company doesn't pay any company sick pay and the employee would only be entitled to SSP.
He has just informed me of this and asked me now what the employee needs to do as he is still ill and now needs to be paid SSP, but I'm not entirely sure what the correct procedure is for paying an employee SSP and holiday pay at the same time. I think that the client thought that the employee would be treated as being on holiday for those weeks and that his sickness would start from this Monday; I have explained to the client that it is not for me to advice what date the sickness started, but that if the sickness started this week then the employee would only be entitled to two days SSP as the first three days are waiting days.
If however, the employee does sign himself sick from the date he did actually go sick (which I personally think is the correct procedure) how do I go about paying him as I'll have to re-work those weeks pay; is he entitled to SSP on top of the holiday pay, or does the SSP form part of the holiday pay.
If however, the employee does sign himself sick from the date he did actually go sick (which I personally think is the correct procedure) how do I go about paying him as I'll have to re-work those weeks pay; is he entitled to SSP on top of the holiday pay, or does the SSP form part of the holiday pay.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Elaine
The SSP forms part of the holiday pay from what I can gather, so you could treat him as being sick from day 1, and continue hereon with SSP
"If a worker on sick leave receives Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and this coincides with a period of annual holiday, the SSP amount counts towards meeting any liabilities of the employer for statutory annual holiday pay."