Hi all this may be a bit long winded so bare with me.
I was basically wondering what area of skillset I am missing when thinking about progressing towards becoming a bookkeeper. Obv I have some more studies to complete before I am anywhere near, just thinking forward.
In my current role I load bank statements and reconcile them. Record daily sales, input invoices from suppliers manage payments to those suppliers and match invoices and payments off against each other.
I compile vat returns and have a good understanding of Vat. I have dabbled with payroll but only for a few months. Basically do all the paperwork within this small ltd company.
What kind of areas am I missing experience on what processes will I have not come across that is vital to the role as a bookkeeper?
Thanks in adv.
Have got to a point where I am confident what I do within my workplace (took me a good 18months) just hoping those skills are transferable to other business models when the opportunity arises. Thank you for your feedback. Always looking to learn more only going to make me better and more knowledgeable