I am in the very early stages of setting up my bookkeeping business and was wondering if I could ask your opinions on business name types.
Does it make much difference to gaining clients and their perception of the business if you have a more traditional and formal name like "Crossley Bookkeeping Services" or a more branding focused "catchy" name?
Personally I think something with bookkeeping in the title will be better as it depicts what you do.
I've made a couple of hash ups with names in the past but (hopefully) come March I will have a better name going forward, which will see me through to retirement.
I started with 111 Business Solutions but it sounded a bit like Acme..... and one forum poster (quite rightly) said it would have put him off using me if he was looking for a bookkeeper. I then changed it to Leger Bookkeeping because the majority of my clients are in Doncaster and Leger is associated with that town. What I didn't realise is that anyone searching for Leger Bookkeeping get redirected to Ledger!!
One of our posters has very cleverly used a combination of their surname and street name, which I thought was quite cool.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.