I know that when people think about excel for accounting they think about pivot tables, lookup function etc. I would like to learn first how to layout t accounts properly so that I can use them for practice. When people are taught about accounts they are told that it is important to include date, details ( corresponding account ) and amount in account. When I watch youtube tutorials I see that nobody puts date and details into t accounts. There are only numbers on both side of T account. Do you think there is a reason why people don't put date and details in their t accounts in excel ?
I enclosed the picture of t account and I wonder if I should create the same layout in excel ?
thanks for reply Abacus. I would like to ask you for a favour. If you come across nice t accounts in excel , can you make screenshot and send it to me ?
Hi Rafal
I think mostly they dont include them on the You Tube type tutorials just to save time, its more about which side an entry goes on that people seem to struggle with and what they tend to try to get over by using them. I still just draw one out from time to time when Im doing the odd thing thats a bit rare and Im in stress/tired mode as sometimes it just helps the thought processes.
Unless you are wanting to link in the various T accounts via excel you could set up your own. When I was first doing the double entry bit I just scribbled them out on A4 paper - right old mess they looked, but again it was just for speed.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position