Scottish person in Scottish care home being paid for with pensions and rental of house in Scotland. Person with Power of Attorney POA, lives in England. Tax return was for Scottish Tax last year but this year, 2019/2020,has been changed to English - who is responsible for the Tax? Can I leave at English as amounts to £250 less?
POA does not give right to complete tax return. Tax authorties rules clear. But need to check legal position first.Taxpayer is responsible.Dont just ignore either one, dangerous game.Do you have tax experience and relevant PII to deal with?
Thanks Ac, all legal checks were made previously with HMRC. I have experience and qualified, (many years). Last year POA had to pay £250 but this year is £750 with Scottish TAx and £500 with English. (rough figures). Tax office have changed from Scottish to English Tax due to address of POA. Have you had similar case? There is no money left to pay tax as all goes to care home, as will the house proceeds when pensioner dies.