Depreciation granularity
I haven't studied book-keeping since my first semester in college several decades ago. I'm now preparing my accounts for the first trading accounting period of my company. If someone can help clear up a really basic question re depreciation for me I'd be grateful. (Yes, I know that it's Capital Allo...
Company purchases for own use and Depreciation
Where on the Trade Profit and Loss account does the value of company purchases used for own use go ? Also, the trial balance has a provision for depreciation figure for a pc which will be included on the T.P.L. ? then there is also a note below saying that for the year the depreciation is to be 1/3 of the orig...
Quickbooks Query
Has anyone come across this problem before. I use QB2006. We don't run the payroll through QB. I have found that when I write a cheque to a new employee - I use QuickAdd when writing the cheque and add that person as a new employee. However QB won't let me save that entry and therefore I cannot write the cheq...
National Insurance Bands
Hello everyone, Can anyone tell me how the class 4 NI for self employed is calculated, is it on your Net profit before your personal allowance or on the amount after the personal allowance is taken off. I have checked and the band amount for 09/10 is £5,715 class 4 and I assume anything below is a class 2 T...
ICB Course
Hi All I am thinking of maybe starting a bookkeeping service, do i really need to do the ICB course if i am AAT Qualified and studying to towards ACCA? If i dont need the ICB certificate is there any certificates i would need? Many thanks Chris
Cheque presented, then immediately unpaid - how best to enter in books
Hi All, Working here with an analysed manual cashbook. Just wondering whether it is best to; 1| note cheque in, then note cheque unpaid also on 'ins' side but as minus figure. 2| note cheque in, then note cheque unpaid on 'outs' side (but there is only sundries as possible analysis column, which doesn...
Shaun UK
rental income not declared for the last few years!!!!
Hi all, I have received an enquiry from a potential client, who says that for the last 3 years he has owned a rental property, but hasn't declared this in any of his tax returns. What I would like to know is, what penalties and fines would he receive for not declaring his rental income and also what type of d...
P46 Question
Hi folks, Got a question regarding Payroll if anyone can help. When a P46 is issued the employer signs statement A,B or C, so my question is how do you know which box to sign or does it really matter as long as HMRC is informed and you keep an appropriate record.? Just starting to study payroll and boy is it a...
Director's Loan to company - can Director charge interest?
When a Director 'loans' money to his Company as a Director's loan, can he / she charge the Company interest, i.e. to recompensate the fact that this money has not been sat in his / her own Bank accruing interest? Many thanks, Debbie
Sage V15 Help
I dont like sage therefore use VT and Iris. I have a client who have used Sage Instant accounts V15 to prepare a trial balance. Is there any way of getting that sage file to my machine, I dont see why I have to buy sage V15 as I will not be using it to create 1 client but simply checking entries.
Late Invoices
Hi hope someone can help! I have finalised my clients book-keeping and passed a sage backup onto their accountant for the year ending 30 June. Since then I have been given more paperwork but there are a few late purchase receipts dated before June 2010 but paid in July/Aug 2010. A year end has not been do...
Silly Digits
Not VAT registered Soletrader and VAT asset
Hi all, I am a newbie to the forum and have found it very informative. I have a quick question, i am doing a soletraders accounts who is non vat registered, I have dealt with VAT registered for many years. I cannot get it into my head how i would deal with an Asset with VAT on the accounts of Non VAT Reg soletr...
Free staff meals???
Where would I post free staff meals on a trading and profit and loss account?? It hasn't been posted to an account as yet so would I post to subsistence and then include this on the trading side??? This is part of an assignment so I don't expect any one to give me the answer but just a pointer in the right di...
Vat on service
Hi Can anybody tell me how to deal with carraige paid to german company on sage Do i need to put on ec sales list declaration. Thanks
Hi Can anybody tell me if we get supply from germany and there is no vat on items charged to us however it is chargeable in uk how to treat it. I mean do we need to charge vat to our customer. Thanks Navangi
Annual accounts dates > Tax Year.
Just been to an HMRC workshop. They pointed out it would be easiest for businesses to choose a year from April 6th to April 5th (same as Tax Year). How do we bookkeepers sort that out ? Do we stick to the client's business startup date ? Nothing about this was explained in the OU course.
sole trader help
Hi, just needing some help to hopefully put my mind at ease. I started up a small gardening / landscaping / handyman type business as a sole trader in May 09 after being made redundant in a previous job. I have kept all receipts of any business related purchases made, ie, new van, tools, petrol, material...
Starting a book-keeping business
Hello everyone, first of all i am new to the forum and forums in general so you must excuse me if i have posted this in the wrong area!!! I have read several posts regarding starting up bookkeeping businesses but would be grateful for any advice relating to my situation. I currently help my husband run ou...
Julie Greve
Sage and Share Capital
I thought I was getting good with Sage but am stumped. I have recently deposited a cheque from a share holder for £1 into the company bank account. How should this entered into Sage? I have thought about creating the share holder as creating customer and sending an invoice but am thinking there must b...
Hi, Can anyone tell me the bset way to deal to deal with an overpayment (through the bank not on sage) a supplier invoice for staff expenses was paid twice through the back giving a total overpayment of £136.00. It was agreed that the next two expense claims would be paid minus £68 each so I though that o...