Good value Laptop that I can begin a business with?
Hi, I have joined the forum today as I am hoping to become a self-employed book-keeper. The first item I am going to need is a laptop. I have around £400 - £500 to spend. Can anyone recommend a good quality laptop that will run Excel & other accounting software quickly. Thanks for any help given Debbi...
Fixed / Hourly Fees
Hi all I know we've had many a discussion of fixed prices and hourly rates, and I'm an hourly rate type of person. Ive been completing my spreadsheet to get my own SA return sorted ( I know I'm eager) and I'm surprised to find that the original price I wanted to quote my customer would've left me with a £300...
Lisa Jo
Statutory Maternity Pay and SMP reclaim
How do you account for this? I can do it in several ways, but have got stuck looking for the best / 'right' way to do it, and was wondering if any of you have exprience in recording the SMP and SMP recovery... Your help is greatly appreciated! Valentina
Sage 50 Payroll
I have a new client who has asked if I can do his year end on Sage 50 Payroll. I have never worked with this before or done any courses in this. Despite this I have been bookkeeping for a few years and using Sage Instant Accounts on a regular basis. I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on either how to...
Do you need to be part of a governing body?
I have been with the ICB for the past 2 years now and feel as though its been a waste of money. The only good things have been the letters after my name and being able to use their crest on my invoices. I was just wondering do you have to be part of a governing body? Or could I just register with the HMRC for the...
Cross Border VAT again!
Hi, I've a client who is invoicing a bank in Germany for nearly a half million Euros. I am fairly happy that since the supply is deemed to be in the customers country that the customer will deal with vat via reverse charging. I think I need to get them to put the clients vat number on the invoice but does anyo...
Tax Codes
Good Evening Can someone please confirm the tax code for Rent & Rates, am I correct in that Rent would come under tax code T0 and Rates T2. Lisa
Bookkeeping / tax for a lapdancer
My cousin is a lapdancer and has asked me to help 'sort her tax out'. She started dancing this year and Ill find out more details on Friday but does nayone on here deal with this profession (?) and is there any basic advice you can give? Sorry its a bit general
Mobile Phones as a benefit
I can't quite work this out on my own, can you guys help? We have mobile phones at work, obviously each one assigned to a certain person. My bosses partner who did work here has one but shes now been made redundant but still has the phone. Whats the position with that? I was previously allocating them in Sa...
employed claiming expenses
may be a silly question, but I have often wondered! My boyfriend works for a quite a big tyre company, he is employed by them. My question is that he spends a lot on tools for his trade, is there a way that he would be able to claim perhaps a tax deduction or claim back the vat. To be honest this is the first time...
How should expenses from pre-trading be carried into first accounting period?
Hi again. I am officially starting trading in April hence some questions I'd asked on the forum previously. I have a years worth of expenses which I have recorded month for month now. Should these be taken into the first accounting period(start of trading) as a continuation of accounts. This would me...
Alpine man
Please help ......getting really annoyed with sage...aaarrrrrgghhh
Sorry for the long title lol. My hair has turned grey today with stress and its all down to Sage ( and my tutor). Right i'm doing a mock exam (devised by my tutor not icb). Don't worry i'm not after answers just technical advice I think. My paper tells me at the start that the company's financial year is to...
Mileage expenses sole trader
Good evening everyone. Think I've done this one correct, but just wanted to check please. I have done the accounts for one of my sole trader clients and his mileage came to just over £5k for the year (used his personal car for business). He submitted some of his fuel receipts (which I put through to recon...
Dividend charges
Another quickie please regarding dividend payments. Once a company has made profits and a director takes dividends fom the company, is the 10% dividend charge shown in the company accounts or in the directors annual self assessment ? Also, is the corp tax after taking the dividends or before please...
Pre Incorporation Expenses
Hi guys Yet another Ltd Co question Any ideas how to post expenses incured before the official financial year start. It is a new Ltd Co that was incorporated on 26/06/09. HMRC have set the year end date at 30/06/10 effectively 12months and 1 week. If you set the financial year start date in Sage to 01 Jul...
Just can't get it clear in my head - help with end of jr journals from 1 - 2 yrs ago
Got this message today from one of my clients accountants. The journals are back to 07/08 and there were some more from 08/09 to which is what this message relates I believe but the accountant told me that she wanted everything posted at 1/4/09 so I am some what shocked that she didn't realise the TB...
Sue T
Money Laundering - technical point
Having spent some really fun time on the HMRC website I came across the following: "If you are an Accountancy Service Provider you must register with HMRC unless.... all your customers are themselves supervised by HMRC or a professional body " So the way I read this is that if my only cli...
Holiday entitlement per year
My brother's wife started up in business towards the end of April last year. She has one employee. They work seven days a week (40 hours in total). The only time off the pair of them have had is two weeks of at Christmas. How much holiday entitlement is the employee due? I've been on Business Link and put th...
Work Van Ownership Transfer to Ltd Co
Morning everyone I have an interesting problem but for now I will stick with the bookkeeping one and hope it interesting enough to distract you from what ever it is you are supposed to be doing. I'll set the scene and keep it brief(ish) A client set up a Ltd Co. Prior to starting the co. he was working for hi...
Year end
Is it possible to do a year end at the end of March even if the company has only been trading for 4 months, just so it will bring the company year end in-line with the financial year end ?